Sunday, March 1, 2015

Pit Bulls-- "Nanny Dog"

 History: Pit bulls have been around since WWI. They were known as the “Nanny Dog” in the 1800’s but recently have gotten a bad name. In 1898, United Kennel Club finally recognized pit bulls or as known as “Bull Terrier” an official breed. Just a few years as being recognized as a breed, the military chose a pit bull for their WWI propaganda poster because they were highly respected. 

Why Pit bulls make great pets: This breed would make an outstanding pet for anyone because are affectionate companions. They love to lick (kiss); cuddle and even wiggle their tails and butt. Owning a pit bull is easy because their easy to care for. They are a short haired breed so you only need to brush then semi- regularly. When bathing a pit bull, just bathe as necessary and then towel dry. Pit bulls are commonly known to shedders but it not tremendously bad. The greatest thing about own a Pit bull is that they are people orientated. You never have to worry about them attacking guest or even children. Also they are very loyal so they will always stay by your side. For families with children this be the dog to get because they have a high pain tolerant. So when your children are playing around and getting rough it won’t bother them at all; they gradually except it with happiness.

  Health Facts: When getting a paper you don’t have to worry about losing your best friend. Pit bulls lifespan is about 12 years old but they can live to be a lot older than that. Throughout their lifespan, you could experience have 5-10 more pit bull puppies running around you house. Pit bulls can experience different health problems throughout their life but they never truly come till they get older. Some health problems they could acquire would be Hip dysplasia; hereditary cataracts; allergies to grass and even Congenital Heart disease. However, You don’t have to worry about any of these health problems till their older so all you have to do is enjoy your time with you best friend/ baby. 

  1. Pit Bulls have locking jaws.                                   2. Pit Bulls have more bite pressure per square inch (PSI) than any
other breed.                            
3. Pit Bulls attack more people than any  other breed.                                                                                4. The brains of Pit Bulls swell and cause them to go crazy
5. Pit bulls aren't great with other dogs

1 comment:

  1. read your hole post, very interesting! I love the pics by the way. keep up the good work :)
    so does this mean you own a pit?!
